TNF-Enhance proudly presents a 2-Day workshop on “ISO Internal Auditor Certification Program.” The workshop would be held on January 6th & 7th 2010 in TNF complex, Taylors Road, Chennai. The lead trainer, Mr. C. Eashwer, has over 2 decades of experience in Singapore & a decade of experience in the field of ISO, ISO Auditing & consulting in Singapore, India and Indonesia among others.
This program is a must for all who would like to become ISO auditors or develop their careers in the field of ISO/ ISO consulting. Organizations/ Educational Institutions who are ISO certified or planning to get ISO certified could nominate their employees who are likely to play a key role in ISO implementation & sustenance.
The key Takeaway’s of the program are:
ü ISO Orientation
ü Ability to start conducting IQA audit immediately as IQA Auditor
ü Ability to cooperate & complete the Audit as Auditee
ü Capacity to plan IQA & implement the same as QMR
ü Ability to design & frame IQA checklists for each function/ department/ process
Kindly refer to the brochure attached, for further details.
Please nominate yourself/ your team members for this program at the earliest to reserve your seat. Feel free to contact our team (Sarma: +919500051192; Eashwer: +919500036680; Vijaya: +919840601109) for registration/ any further queries.
Hoping to meet you at the workshop!
Best Wishes!
Enhance Team
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