Enhance Academy (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Monday, December 28, 2009

ISO Internal Auditor Training Program on 6th & 7th Jan 2010

Greetings from Enhance team!
TNF-Enhance proudly presents a 2-Day workshop on “ISO Internal Auditor Certification Program.” The workshop would be held on January 6th & 7th 2010 in TNF complex, Taylors Road, Chennai. The lead trainer, Mr. C. Eashwer, has over 2 decades of experience in Singapore & a decade of experience in the field of ISO, ISO Auditing & consulting in Singapore, India and Indonesia among others.
This program is a must for all who would like to become ISO auditors or develop their careers in the field of ISO/ ISO consulting. Organizations/ Educational Institutions who are ISO certified or planning to get ISO certified could nominate their employees who are likely to play a key role in ISO implementation & sustenance.
The key Takeaway’s of the program are:
ü ISO Orientation
ü Ability to start conducting IQA audit immediately as IQA Auditor
ü Ability to cooperate & complete the Audit as Auditee
ü Capacity to plan IQA & implement the same as QMR
ü Ability to design & frame IQA checklists for each function/ department/ process
Kindly refer to the brochure attached, for further details.
Please nominate yourself/ your team members for this program at the earliest to reserve your seat. Feel free to contact our team (Sarma: +919500051192; Eashwer: +919500036680; Vijaya: +919840601109) for registration/ any further queries.
Hoping to meet you at the workshop!
Best Wishes!
Enhance Team

2-Day Workshop on “Enhancing Recruiters Efficiency” on 4th & 5th Dec 2009

Objectives : As there is surfeit of opportunities for Training in the field of Recruitment , this FIRST initiative was taken by CEO ENHANCE , to cater to the specific needs of the RECRUITERS .

A Team of 8 Speakers was made to share their experience and knowledge in various aspects of Recruitment such as Challenges in Sourcing , Communication , Interviewing , Tools used etc .,

The Speakers are :

Mr. Ganapathy – Regional Head – HR - Brittania

Mr. Murali Babu .C – Business Consultant - Synova Bangalore

Mr. Rahupathy – Vice President Human Resources - IFF

Mr. Ravindra – Manager - Zen HR

Mr. Andrews – Sr. Team Manager - Zen HR

Mr. C.Eashwer – Enhance

Mr. Sarma – Enhance

Mr. Bobby – CEO Talent search Pvt ltd .

The following techniques were adopted for Training .

Lecture session , Group discussions , Mock sessions

The following topics were covered :

Latest trend in recruitment

Net working side of recruitment

Loyalty factor

Recruitment through Referrals

Ethical recruitment

Recruitment of Ex Employees

Role of HR in recruitment

Various tests conducted in recruitment

Evaluation techniques

HIT RATIO enhancement

Basics of Interviewing

What is NOT interview ?

Dos and Do not’s in Interviewing

Social net work sites and how to use them

Communication and its need I recruitment

Participants were from various companies such as :

M/S Hexacorp

M/S Bharati Airtel

M/S TVS Logistics

M/S Synergy Solutions

M/S Futuristic Process Solutions Ltd ., Cochin

The Participation was very good as real life problems in the field of recruitment were discussed in depth .